Seattle Building Tune-Ups Rule Announcement [Development News]
Earlier this week, Christie Baumel, Climate & Energy Advisor in Seattle's Office of Sustainability & Environment, announced that OSE Director’s Rule 2016-01 implementing the Seattle Building Tune-Ups requirement has been finalized. NAIOP Washington State's members were able to learn about and directly contribute to the development of this rule via a Sustainable Development Roundtable event in late 2015.
Christie Baumel's announcement:
Thank you to all that provided input during the development of this Rule, and to those who submitted written comments on the draft Rule released in November 2016. Attached [see links below], you will find both the final Rule and a response to comments which summarizes changes made to the draft Rule. This information will also be updated on our website ( in the next day or two.
For those who are familiar with the draft Rule released in November, the following list highlights some of the changes between the draft and the final Rule:
- The size threshold for tenant spaces with tenant-owned equipment that are not required to be tuned-up was increased from 2,500 to 5,000 square feet.
- References to costs and payback periods were edited to make it clear that cost calculations are not required.
- One Alternative Compliance Pathway – that of demonstrating at least $1/square foot of investment in energy conservation measures over three years – was removed from Section 9 “Exemptions” because of the challenges in identifying a form of evidence regarding actions taken, energy savings, and associated costs.
- Additional certification and license options were included as eligible qualifications for a Tune Up Specialist in Section 12.
NEXT STEPS: Through the spring, OSE will be developing additional materials to assist building owners with compliance, including FAQs and fact sheets, forms for requesting an exemption or extension, and a reporting form for completed tune-ups. We will also hold more information sessions.
We're also recruiting up to 100 mid-sized buildings (less than ~100,000 SF excluding parking) to jump-start their Tune-Up through the new Building Tune-Up Accelerator Program, which offers enhanced technical support and financial incentives to help comply with the Seattle Building Tune-Ups requirement. Information at
Thank you again for your assistance through this process. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Christie Baumel
206.233.7173 | [email protected]
OSE 2016-01 Comments Responses on Proposed Rule
OSE Directors Rule 2016-01