Legislative SessionThe 2023 Legislative Session was incredibly successful for the commercial real estate industry. Lawmakers showed a commitment to increasing the housing supply and removing barriers to development and investment in Washington. Read our Legislative Recap here2024 GA Issues FundingThe long-term success of CRE depends on establishing a well of financial resources to support continuity in advocacy. In an environment of tax-focused politicians, the CRE community cannot afford to be unprepared. NAIOPWA fights tirelessly for laws, regulations and policies that increase predictability, fairness and timeliness for the industry. Support from our Government Affairs contributors helps fund advocacy efforts that save developers precious time and money. PAC ContributionsNAIOP WA’s PAC is solely supported by direct contributions. PAC contributions enable NAIOP WA to fund political campaigns, impacting election outcomes and expanding NAIOP WA’s political influence. Issues funding cannot be utilized for campaign contributions. Both the City of Seattle and the City of Bellevue have significant upcoming City Council elections. This is the largest turnover of City Councilmembers in many years, and the change represents a major opportunity to ensure passage of positive legislation moving forward. It is critical for NAIOP WA to support favorable candidates in these races. NAIOPWA 2024 Government Affairs Contributors