Jessica Hickey, 1029 consulting inc. Barton Brynestad, AHBL Inc. Kristin Glandon, AHBL Inc. Chip McCullough, Alston Construction Company Gregory Steinhauer, American Life Inc. Austin Johnson, AMJ Development Scott Koppelman, AMLI Don Lane, Andersen Construction Jocelyn Whiteley, Ashbaugh Beal Chris Ferrell, Ashbaugh Beal Wendy Novak, Associated Builders and Contractors of Western Washington David Hurst, ATLAS Workbase Bradley Allen, ATS Automation Inc. Stacy Johnson, Auburn Mechanical Jim Reynolds, Auburn Mechanical
avenue 55
- Joe Blattner
- Drew Zaborowski
- Emily Welch
Ed Scherer, Avidex Industries LLC Ross McKenzie, Bayley Construction Steve Grasso, Bayley Construction Richard Wagner, Baylis Architects Meredith Everist, Baylis Architects Kevin Kwan, BMGI Katie Frisbee, BMGI Group Chris Clayton, BNBuilders Inc. Jim Charpentier, BNBuilders Inc. Ted Dimof, Bush Roed & Hitchings Inc. Barbara Leland, Carillon Properties James Turner, CBRE
CenterPoint Properties
- Bob Andrews
- Ryan Dunlap
- William Lu
Ricardo Noguera, City of Tacoma Julie Eisenhauer, ClarkNuber PS Jamie Randal, ClarkNuber PS Dan Jones, Clise Properties Inc. Dana Kimble, Coffman Engineers Inc. Dail Bodziony, Columbia Bank Frank Stauff, Compass General Construction Paul Constantine, Constantine Builders
- Tim Brockway
- Walt Busch
- James E. Coughlin
- Chris Duvall
- Aaron Fjelstad
- Marcie Lohr
- Garo Pehlivanian
- Jeff Peterson
- Stephen Porter
John Cronin, Cronin & Powell Capital LLC Lucca Merlino, Davis Property and Investment Larry C. Martin, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
DCI Engineers
- Guy Conversano
- Scott Erickson
- Roger Heeringa
- Patrick Lindblom
- Mark Moorleghen
- Eric Pope
- Darren Simpson
- Jami Sollid
- John Tessem
- Donald J. Tuttle
- Tyler Winkley
- Tom Xia
- Bruce Zhong
DCT Industrial Trust
- Patrick Gemma
- Justin Carlucci
- Ben Brodsky
Kenda Salisbury, Degenkolb Engineers
DLR Group
- J. Mark Ludtka
- J. James Gelose
- Scott Kruse
Mitch Roberts, DP Incorporated Alexander Elmquis,t DPR Construction Matthew L. Smith, Economic Alliance Snohomish County Scott Falkin, Falkin Associates Inc. Alexandra Gilliland, Foster Pepper PLLC Britton B. Slone, Foushee and Associates Inc. Alaina Balyeat, Fox Rothschild LLP
Freiheit & Ho Architects Inc. PS
- Arthur Chang
- Sherri Grueneis
- David Hills
- Dustin Thorlakson
Doug True, Gull Industries Inc.
Harsch Investment Properties LLC
- Robert L. Aigner
- Delilah J. Richman
- Jake Roselli
Hart Crowser
- Erik Ellingsen
- Brice Exley
- Susan Kemp
Heartland LLC
- Lanzi Li
- Matt Anderson
- Carson Bowlin
Crissy Tomaselli, Heery Mark Craig, Henbart LLC Bradley Jay Rundquist, Hensel Phelps Laura Smith, Hermanson Company Mark Scalzo, Hill Investment Company Holly Golden, Hillis Clark Martin & Peterson D. Addicott, Hillis Clark Martin & Peterson Jeff Bean, Hines Lee Chain, HKA Elevator Consulting Inc. Marjorie S. Chang Fuller, Hoffman Construction Company
Holland Partner Group
- Leah Anderson
- Marty Goodman
- Thomas B. Parsons
- Allison Shephard
HomeStreet Bank Commercial Real Estate
- Kris Hollingshead
- Jeff James
- Diane Leonidas
- Katie Plett
- Willy Reel
- Dean Walter
Howard S. Wright
- Bob Barlish
- Will Colby
- Aaron Firman
- Dan Peyovich
- Don Severide
- Tony Stewart
Jeffrey W. McInnis, Huitt-Zollars Inc. Beverly Grant, impark A-P Hurd, Independent Alessandra Allen, Investco Matthew Laase, Jackson | Main Architecture Geoffrey Palachuk, Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard PLLC Missy Gallagher, JR Hayes Corporation Missy Gallagher, JR Hayes Corporation
Kemper Development Company
- Kemper Freeman
- Jim Hill
- Howard McQuaid
- James Melby
- Phillip Scott
Kidder Mathews
- Rob Anderson
- Karen Benoit
- Gordon K. Buchan
- Mike Catt
- Bob Conrad
- Bill Frame
- Michael George
- Gary Guenther
- Brian Hatcher
- D. Keith Kaiser
- Jim Kidder
- Patricia Loveall
- Jeff Lyon
- Joe Malaspino
- Daniel A. Mathews
- Nick Ramirez
- Shelley Ryan
- Raymond C. Schuler
- Damian Sevilla
- Matt Wood
- Bjorn Brynestad
Kilroy Realty Corporation
- Shanna Braga
- Morgan Clarke
- Michelle Clingingsmith
- David Pingree
- Rob Swartz
- Luke Gemperline
Scott Lindley, Kirtley Cole Associates Inc.
LMN Architects
- Matthew Fisher
- Walt W. Niehoff
- Julia Reeve
- Pamela Trevithick
Alec Maghami, Laird Norton Properties Tyson Feaster, Lake Union Partners Jordan Lott, Lake Washington Partners Lance Mueller, Lance Mueller & Associates Architects Julie Seidenstein, Lane Powell PC Andrew Gabel, Lane Powell PC Dave Kessler, Latitude Development
Bill Plautz, LBA Realty Sean Durkin, Lee & Associates Commercial Real Estate Services Ruth Winters, Lennar Multifamily Communities Reagan J Perry, MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions Steven Harmon, Mackenzie Erwin Park, Madison Bay Commercial Pedro Castro, Magellan Architects Katie Cartwright, MainStreet Property Group LLC George John, MainStreet Property Group LLC Stren Lea, Marcus & Millichap Kent Mueller, Marcus & Millichap
McCullough Hill Leary PS
- Jessica Clawson
- Rich Hill
- Ian Morrison
Chris Di Re, McKinstry Paul Mathews, MCM Matt Hoskinson, MCM
- Ted Caloger
- Matthew Goelzer
- Geoffrey Grice
- Elik Grin
- Russell Hazzard
- Scott Kunnanz
- Stan Laegreid
- Amy McCurdy
- Mark Taylor
- Andi Pratt
Kris Draper, Morrison Hershfield Michael Hurst, Moss Adams LLP Tim Rice, Multivista Craig Davenport, MZA Architecture Nicole Kerr, NBBJ David Laughlin, Neurilink Lori Shannon, Nitze-Stagen & Co. Daniel Gallagher, Nitze-Stagen & Co. Zach Williams, Norris Beggs & Simpson Financial Services Will Godwin-Austen, Northwest Building LLC David Baker, Northwest Building LLC Kevin Tinker, NW Sign & Design
OAC Services
- Alex Hofto
- Steve Johnson
- Kyle Richardson
Patrick Simon, Old Republic Title & Escrow Brendan Mason, Olympic Property Group LLC John Weed, PACE Engineers Inc.
Panattoni Development Company Inc.
- Donnie H Belk
- Matthew Buchanan
- Allison Warren
Dwight Jarvis, Parker Smith Feek
PCL Construction Services Inc.
- Darin Chestnut
- Benjamin Reinhardsen
- Aaron F. Wiehe
Natalie Peterson, Performance Contracting Inc. Michael Ricalde, Performance Contracting Inc. Kelly Sheehan, Peterson Sullivan LLP Christopher Luhrs, Phillips Burgess PLLC Danny Jackson, Pietromonaco Properties John Pietromonaco, Pietromonaco Properties Brian Franklin, PMF Investments LLC John Rupp, PND Engineers Inc. Gary D. Ballew, Port of Pasco Jeffrey Utterback, Port of Seattle Dan Alhadeff, Port of Seattle Jeff Lawson, Powell Construction Co. Peter Meiusi, Pyatt Jack Wiggins, Quantum Consulting Engineers Heather Bunn, RAFN Company Austin Bowlin, Real Estate Transition Solutions Kari Magill, Rowley Properties Inc. Brian Runberg, Runberg Architecture Group PLLC Brett Jordan, Ryan Companies US Inc.
Sabey Corporation
- Kara Anderson
- Clete Casper
- Joe Sabey
- John Sabey
Casey Schuchart, Schuchart Corporation Joseph Stockton, Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt
SECO Development Inc.
- Brent Camann
- Greg Krape
- Scott Rosenstock
- Kip Spencer
- Rocale Timmons
Dorian Shapiro, Security Properties Edward J. McGovern, Security Properties Scott Redman, Sellen Construction Company Inc.
Seneca Group
- Clint Cameron
- Jacob Cooney
- Josh Devenyns
- Nick Diede
- Reeve Elliott
- Matthew Elliott
- Bart Heath
- Debi Hudacek
- Ian Kell
- James McReynolds
- Craig Parsons
- Kyle Rolfe
- Tom Sager
- Mike Stanley
- Rob Stephenson
- Cary Janz
Mahmood Ghassemi, Sequoyah Electric LLC Rick Trocano, Sequoyah Electric LLC Freeman Fong, SH Architecture Harry Wilson, Shine On Signs and Graphics Inc. Adam Hutschreider, SHKS Architects Bailee DePhelps, Siemens Industry Inc. Jordan Worthington, Siemens Industry Inc. Joel Reeves, Snyder Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. Kristy Alley, Stantec Consulting Ltd. Peter Johndrow, Stewart Title Guaranty Benjamin Seeger, Summit Law Group PLLC Denice Tokunaga, Summit Law Group PLLC Philip Dale, Couture Tahoma Design Group
- Kristen Link
- Ben Waiss
- Tina Pappas
- Dennis Rattie
- Kate Leverson
Meagan Teutsch, Teutsch Partners LLC John Teutsch, Teutsch Partners LLC Lisa Goodman, The Benaroya Company Holly Gardner, The Schuster Group Inc. Sarah Carlson, The Walsh Group Julia Schiro, Ticor Title Major Accounts Robert Tiscareno, Tiscareno Associates Leo Shapland, Tishman Speyer
Umpqua Bank
- Courtney Hashimoto
- Neil Hodge
- Kathleen Sanders
- John Swanson
Underwood Gartland Development
- David J. Gartland
- M. Shannon Underwood
- John G.W. Underwood
Brian Pearce, Unico Properties LLC Russell Davis, Unico Properties LLC Chris M. Henderson, Unimark Construction Group John Parker, Unimark Construction Group Maria Hui, University of Washington
Urban Renaissance Group LLC
- John Bliss
- M. Patrick Callahan
- Winnie Lam
- Paul Roeter
- Jeff Vorhies
- Shawn M. Jackson
Keith Conti, VECA Electric & Technologies Micheal Shill, VECA Electric & Technologies Jack Beaudoin, Venture GC Nick Goedken, Venture GC
Vulcan Real Estate:
- Robert S. Arron
- Rebecca Bloom
- James Broadlick
- Raymond Burdick
- Margaret Goedecke Capelle
- Sharon Eschbach Coleman
- Lori Mason Curran
- Hamilton Hazlehurst
- Ada M. Healey
- Steve Hissong
- David Ka
- Trevor Konieczny
- Nick Lenington
- Scott Matthews
- Steve Van Til
- Geralyn Vannoy
Mackinley Robinson, Walker & Dunlop Aaron Ryskalczyk, Washington Capital Management Inc. Mark Halvorson, Washington Laborers-Employers Coop & Edu Team Henry A. Weaver, Weaver Architects P.S. Inc. Bernadette Rubio, Weber Thompson Patrick Donka, Wells Fargo Bank Scott D. Smith, WG Clark Construction Company Ron Greene, WGW Inc. Ted Everage, WHPacific Inc. Robert Sargeant, Williams Kastner & Gibbs Leslie Morison, ZGF Architects LLP